Guild & Glory

Guild & Glory Overview

Guild & Glory is a D&D adjacent card game created for all ages. 

Players: 2-5

Play Time: 30-90 Mins

Players draft adventurers from the tavern to either compete in a quest or to attack other adventurers on a Quest. Due to the phase system, we use, players may not know the quests types until reviled, Players may choose to hire a balanced party or hire certain adventurers with a focus on one attribute and hope those quest types appears.  A player can also acquire magical items that can be used to either buff and protect your Adventurers or hinder adventurers hired other players.

The king has issued a royal decree 'The organization and/or group of adventures that can show initiative in protecting the realm and its citizens, will gain the royal patronage for quests in the kingdom.

Players must Hire adventurers to complete quests or attack other player's adventurers.  Earn enough treasure from quests and in turn fame to secure the king's patronage. 

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20+ Year game industry experience working for such companies as LEGO, SEGA, and Nokia.
A big nerd with a huge passion for turn-based video games and board games.  Been designing board & Card games as a hobby for over 10 years, mostly for a creative outlet, but now for Guild & Glory!



To entertain the world!